Inspect Your Inventory
With event season picking up full speed ahead, inspecting your current inventory is crucial as you get through the peak months on your calendar. Over time, there will undoubtedly be wear and tear on your systems. We recommend that you thoroughly clean all of your equipment and evaluate the functionality of any damaged materials. Reach out to us for our recommendation as we offer both Repair Keder and Repair Tape to get the maximum lifespan out of your application.
Stock Your Equipment
Every event has its own demands. Depending on the type of event, location, and size your customers are booking, you will need a unique structure that will best fit the required capacity, weather, and aesthetic. With these elements in mind, make sure to plan out what inventory you need to build these structures. Our team can provide personalized solutions and fast lead times for all types of applications. Our products serve all types of fabricated architecture including frame tents, clear span structures, high peak tents, rapid deployment tents, and more.
Stay Up to Date
Trends and requirements are constantly changing in the event industry. We are seeing structures get more complex and customized. Colored fabric, clear windows, and applied graphics are details that are becoming more popular that we can help you design. Tell our team what you need in a structure today.