Flatback Keder™ Flap


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Our Flatback Keder™ flap is designed with a shield-shaped PVC core, that ensures easy installation into keder rails, for a with snug fit that won’t snag or rip your fabric. The core is fully bonded, ensuring it maintains its shape and strength even in the toughest of conditions. Our Flatback Keder™ is available in a range of sizes, flaps, and fabrics allowing you to customize your solution to meet your specific needs. Available at a minimum length of 45 feet, additional increments sold in 3 foot segments. Always… Made In House.

CALL or CONTACT for additional sizing, style, or bulk options

Industries commonly used:


  • 7.5 mm (9/32 inch)
  • 8.5 mm (5/16 inch)


  • White, Black, Silver

Unit Length:

  • Available at a minimum length of 45 feet, additional increments sold in 3 foot segments
  • Additional sizing, fabric style, fabric colors, and bulk length options available.
  • Call or Email for Quote Today!


Weight 15 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 14 × 10 in

Standard Weave


Black, White




20mm Weld

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