Welded Flap Keder


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Our Welded Flap keder features a strong weld on both sides of the keder fabric, creating a single weld, which then is sewn to your fabric material for a durable and tough finish. Keder is used in both permanent and semi-permanent tents, temporary structures, banners, building wraps, facades, awnings, curtains, and marine products. Available at a minimum length of 45 feet, additional increments sold in 3 foot segments. Always… Made In House.

CALL or CONTACT for additional sizing, style, or  bulk options

Industries commonly used:


  • 4 mm (5/32 inch)
  • 5 mm (3/16 inch)
  • 6 mm (1/4 inch)
  • 7.5 mm (9/32 inch)
  • 8.5 mm (5/16 inch)


  • White, Black, Silver

Unit Length:

  • Available at a minimum length of 45 feet, additional increments sold in 3 foot segments
  • Additional sizing, fabric style, fabric colors, and bulk length options available.
  • Call or Email for Quote Today!

Spec Sheet:

Weight N/A
Dimensions 14 × 14 × 10 in

Standard Weave


Black, White


7.5mm, 8.5mm


20mm Weld

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